Bradbury H4403WL 4 post wheel alignment lift


Bradbury H4403WL 4 post wheel alignment lift. Made in Italy. 4 tonnes lifting capacity. With rear slip plates and turnplates fitted into the front recesses. Platform length 4800mm x 630mm wide. Delivered, installed and commissioned with 1 year warranty / 2nd year warranty F.O.C. if on a service contract . FREE set of turnplates

£8,149.00+vat  or lease finance example  1+59 months at £188.89+vat


Bradbury H4403WL 4 post wheel alignment lift.

Made in Italy.

4 tonnes lifting capacity.

With rear slip plates and turnplates fitted into the front recesses.

Platform length 4800mm x 630mm wide.

Hydraulic Operation.

Anti tilt system.

Surface mounted run-on ramps included.

34 seconds lifting/lowering time.

Minimum height 160mm, maximum 1960mm. 415v / 3ph / 16 amp.

Drive through width 2950mm.

Suitable for use with 3D camera alignment.

Delivered, installed and commissioned with 1 year warranty / 2nd year warranty F.O.C. if on a service contract . 

£8,149.00+vat  or lease finance example  1+59 months at £188.89+vat


1 off Bradbury H4401WL 4 Post Alignment Lift. 4000kg capacity. 240v electrics. year warranty / 2nd year warranty F.O.C. if on a service contract . 

£8,626.00+vat  or lease finance example  1+59 months at £199.95+vat

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