TotalKare T8DC and Bradmac Wireless Column Lifts.
No interconnecting cables or trip hazards.
* Rams are within the carriage protecting the chrome piston rods from debris damage.
* Can be used in sets of 4,6 or 8 configuration.
* 7500kgs lifting capacity per column
* Totally portable and mobile
* Radio synchronization communication between columns
* Controlled from any column
* Lifting cycle:- Raise 65 secs – lower 52 secs
* Multiple lifts between charges. Reserved battery charge for lowering.
* Battery operated. 240v charge from any wall socket
* Two batteries in each column.
* Adjustable forks for differing wheel sizes 700mm -1400mm
* Independent locking device.
* Electronic shut down if obstruction detected.
* Hand operated self activating jack for easy moving and location of the columns
* CE Approve
* Delivered to site, commissioned and with basic training (Free delivery in England and Wales. Scotland is extra above Glasgow & Edinburgh divide).
Set of 4 columns. T8DC 4 Mobile Wireless columns lifts 7.5t per column. Total lift 30 tonne
Normally available from stock