Space SF8835.9l


Space SF8835.9l (Liftmaster LMSF8835.9l)  


9m  Platform.  

Platform width 750mm.



1 off Liftmaster LMSF8835.9  Surface  Mounted  35,000kg. 9m  Platform.  Overall length 11.7m.       Drive on height  360mm. Lifting Height  2110mm. Platform width 750mm.



1 off Liftmaster LMSF8835.9I)  Recessed 35,000kg. 9m  Platform.  Lifting Height  1750mm. Platform width 750mm.


*   No cross rails between lifting platforms

*   Maximum accessability in the working areas

*   Electronic synchronisation of the platforms, independently from the load distribution

  • Mechanical locking device with automatic engagement and pneumatic release, ensuring maximum safety when lift is in standing position. 


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