Majorlift FTJ500 Wheel Hub removal -MCC150crane


Majorlift FTJ500 – Safe one-man operation to remove and replace wheel hubs.  Delivered with 5yrs warranty                   £1,945.00+vat           Lease finance example 1+59 months at £45.08+vat

Majorlift MCC150 – Safe one-man operation to remove and replace brake calipers.  Delivered with 5yrs warranty       £1,179.00+vat               Lease finance example 1+59 months at £27.33+vat

Hub and Caliper Removal Tools

Brake caliper and hub removal often requirs at least two mechanics to ensure the job is done safely.Majorlift have now developed the right tools for the job to make the work quicker, easier and safer – and for use by just one operative: the FTJ500 floor transmission jack, together with Majorlift’s new MCC150 Mini Caliper Crane.

Between them, they make removing hubs and calipers safer and easier, significantly reducing the chances of workplace injuries and strains, and damage to hub seals and components.

The FTJ500 incorporates the same, proven manual pump as its big brother, the FTJ1000 – and all of the same safety features – as well as packing in 500kg of lifting power.

The MCC150 Mini Caliper Crane is a brand new product specifically designed for the job – especially for working in tight spaces. It too is powered by the tried and tested Majorlift pump – giving up to 150kg of lifting power. And it can be easily moved around the workshop and stored away for future use.

Majorlift FTJ500 – Safe one-man operation to remove and replace wheel hubs.  Delivered with 5yrs warranty                £1,945.00+vat           Lease finance example 1+59 months at £45.08+vat

Majorlift MCC150 – Safe one-man operation to remove and replace brake calipers.  Delivered with 5yrs warranty                  £1,179.00+vat               Lease finance example 1+59 months at £27.33


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