Majorlift AFJ20


The Majorlift AFJ20 Majorlift, aimed primarily at the Agricultural sector. Twin rams, air hydraulic power pack 20 Tonne lift capacity, allows safe and secure maintenance of heavy equipment ,requires a flat floor and a compressed air supply. Highly manoeuvrable, easily positioned. Supplied c/w accessories 

UK Mainland with 5 year warranty.

£4,772.00+vat delivered Lease Finance 1+59 months at £110.68+vat


 A new productfrom Majorlift, the AFJ20 aimed at the Agricultural sector. Featuring twin rams and an air hydraulic power pack giving 20 Tonne lift capacity that will allow safe and secure maintenance of heavy equipment this new tool only requires a flat floor and a compressed air supply to get going. Highly manoeuvrable, with four sprung castors on the corners, it can be easily positioned under any vehicle and then activated to lift the axle so that the wheels clear the ground, either for tyre changes or maintenance tasks. The rams give a maximum lift of 12 inches, but extensions can be used to adjust the height of the lift.

Standard accessories include a full set of slip-on adaptors to assist in jacking axles, diffs and chassis etc.

* 4101 V head height 165mm –

* 2 off 4102 Dished head height 89mm

* 2 off 4103 Chassis head height 54mm

* 2 off 4105 Extension tube shoulder height 152mm

Originally designed for use with military vehicles, the Majorlift AFJ20 is tough, dependable and resilient. Thorough design and testing has been followed by extensive trials with contractors to test and then subtly change the product for optimum user convenience and flexibility. The main change has been to design new adaptors, with the introduction of these it has become even more versatile, as now it has become suitable for changing tyres on crop sprayers.

With tractors and their wheels getting heavier, this new solution gives a rock-solid working platform by lifting on two points along the axle. Once lifted, the locking collar can be spun down to give a positive mechanical lock that keeps the vehicle up in the air – even if all the oil is drained out by accident, removing the need for use of axle stands. Originally designed for use with military vehicles, the Majorlift AFJ20 is tough, dependable and resilient. Thorough design and testing has been followed by extensive trials with contractors to test and then subtly change the product for optimum user convenience and flexibility. The main change has been to design new adaptors, with the introduction of these it has become even more versatile, as now it has become suitable for changing tyres on crop sprayers.

UK Mainland with 5 year warranty.

£4,772.00+vat delivered Lease Finance 1+59 months at £110.68+vat

Optional accessories

4500 Diff Adaptor £126.00

4101 ‘V’ Crutch lifting pad EACH £33.00

4102 Dish Crutch lifting pad EACH £33.00

4103 Chassis Crutch lifting pad EACH £21.00

4104 4” Extension Tube – (100mm) EACH £34.00

4105 6” Extension Tube – (150mm) EACH £36.00

4106 10” Extension Tube – (250mm) EACH £36.00

4107 18” Extension Tube – (450mm) EACH £38.00

4109 Serrated Saddle (Ram end protector) EACH £34.00 

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